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“Having first met Vincent as a participant in one of his training programs I have continued to work with him as my sales career has developed. Now I regularly work with Valorize Solutions to build sales capability across different themes such as deal coaching and negotiation. I appreciate that I can get a customised solution that addresses both core principles but our specific business context, making the learnings and thus results immediately applicable for the business. Moreover we always have great feedback from participants due to the energy and enthusiasm of Vincent. He will challenge participants but in a fun and considerate manner. »

Elizabeth Langley-Jones

Chief Commercial Officer – Baker&Baker

Logo Baker & Baker

Thanks to the training provided by Valorize Solutions, we’ve been able to fine-tune our sales procedures and put more emphasis on the right deals. This increased efficiency and team spirit. There are fewer frustrations from working on the wrong deals and having a new set of tools. It introduced a new way of working and thinking for the team. I still frequently ask the question to the team: What would Vincent do? »

Dean Van Raemdonck

Business Manager – Engie Sun4Business

Logo Engie

“Vincent and his collaborators have wide experience on the field of sales and the field of training. This has allowed our organization to step up the sales skills while giving great examples to the Sales Enablement team on how to lead and engage during workshops.

The concepts of value based selling are extensive and applicable to all industries. Still, thanks to the approach that Vincent’s team uses, they have been easily actionable. And they have today, an outstanding acceptance across our salesforce and management. It´s an exciting journey for the Sales Enablement team to go further, making value based selling part of the sales DNA at TheFork.

We operate in 12 countries, thus it´s key to run the training in local language and adapt the content to market specificities. Luckily, trainers are multi language. And via intake interviews they fast grasped the challenges and opportunities of our business model in each of the market we play.

Thanks a lot for this great collaboration! 

Yasmine Barazin

Senior Sales Enablement Trainer – TheFork

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The Team co-developped with Worldline a sales development program tailored to the various type of customers we have. From big retailers, to public institutions or SMB local players, the program is helping our sales and marketing people to focus on the real value for our customers, addressing the pain. Trainings are based on real cases. People are practicing pitches that are directly applicable to their next commercial interactions. Trainers are part of our extended virtual ecosystem. They think with us like if they would be our colleagues. Which in fact they are if we look at the general purpose of our collaboration.

Vincent Coussement

General Manager – Worldline

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I highly recommend working with Vincent to any sales organization. This training is not your typical run-of-the-mill sales course but a program that genuinely provides valuable skills and techniques.

Vincent’s expertise and approach are practical, actionable, and have had a significant impact on our team’s performance. The training has equipped our field sales managers with the tools they need to effectively lead and guide our representatives towards success.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the training provided by Vincent Flament and « Value Selling. » It has been a worthwhile investment for our organization, and I believe it would benefit any sales team looking to enhance their skills and achieve better results.

Ruben Suply

General Manager – Axone Pharma

Logo Axone

“I really appreciate the support Valorize Solutions provides. From strategic thinking, through the implementation of business developer training, right up to sales performance monitoring. With its rapid understanding of the business and to-the-point tools, it is a true partner that supports the implementation of the company’s sales force. The added value of Valorize Solutions is unquestionable. Both in delivering content in terms of solutions selling and value selling, and in assisting the sales team with hands-on learning. The positive feedback from business developers is proof of this.”

Baudouin Corlùy

Commercial Director – LCL

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“It has been several years now since we started working together with Vincent and his team.  Working as a Channel Sales, Business Developer, or Pre-Sales professional in specialized value-added cybersecurity & cloud distribution. And collaborating with vendors as well as resellers and integrators, demands specialized commercial skills. Valorize Solutions understands our business needs. They translate them into a customized, high-quality, challenging, and hands-on training journey.  The result is an improved, intensified and value-creating relationship with our partners.”

Karen Hoek

HR Operative & Coach – Exclusive Network

Logo Exclusive Networks

Valorize’s coaching sessions with Mathieu were fantastic! In just 5 weeks, I learned how to better motivate my sales team and achieve results. We made some great changes, like a clear dashboard to track progress, and setting goals with room for creativity. We also built a plan for the future together as a team, giving everyone a chance to contribute. Our quarterly meetings are now informal and off-site, making it easier to discuss successes and challenges. Valorize helped me become a more confident leader who can delegate effectively, boosting my team’s morale and productivity.

Sana Rawji

Sales Manager – Flyx

The Team succeeded in a real turnaround within a year’s time although initially scepticism was high. Today, decisions are underpinned by figures and acceptance by commercial managers of the new way of working is high. Team motivation has increased and the effectiveness of the commercial strategy has improved. The results are much better than I ever could have imagined. I especially appreciate the emotional intelligence that was developed during the project.
Dirk Vandenberghe
CEO Metallo
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The Belgian pharmacy sector is changing a lot and quickly. New challenges are appraising, also for us. At Perrigo Belgium we want to build long term, sustainable and profitable results with our partners. Valorize Solutions, under the leadership of Vincent Flament, is supporting our Field Sales Force to reveal these challenges. Preparation, active listening, raising the right questions, arguing upon facts & figures. These principles allow our team to propose the right counsels to our customers. We are talking to them in term of solutions and opportunities and not in term of limitation. Valorize Solutions trainings and concepts are raising up the competencies of our Field Sales team. Leading to establish a trusty long term business partnership with our clients.

Roland Vermotte
Perrigo Head of Sales
Logo Perrigo

Both of our field sales managers underwent a sales management training program with Vincent. They were transitioning from representatives to field sales managers. Consequently, they needed guidance on how to effectively support our representatives in achieving their targets.

Vincent taught them how to handle objections and guide sales representatives towards making the perfect commercial proposal using his Valorize Solutions techniques.
Today, both of my field sales managers apply this approach in practice, and we have seen clear results with our sales reps. The training provided by Vincent and his company has truly made a difference in our sales organization.

Ruben Suply

General Manager – Axone Pharma

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Vincent Flament is a highly skilled sales professional. He views sales as a process where nothing should be left to chance. His approach is systematic, nearly scientific. At Sirris, he assisted us in establishing both a sales account management approach and a forward-looking strategy based on strenghts of our testing laboratory. We have truly revitalized our business, and our sales have literally skyrocketed. I strongly recommend Vincent as a sales coach.

Jean-François Delaigle

Head Of Business Development and Regional Director Wallonia – Sirris

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The situation for the Pharmacies changed a lot. Not only in Luxembourg but all over Europe there are many medicaments out of stock at the manufacturers. My team of 14 people is confronted daily with customers which are not happy about this situation. Vincent has not only provided solutions to soften this conflict with the customers but also worked with the team on propositions for alternative medication and supplementary medication. On top of this he did individual coaching’s of single persons in the team which brought us a big improvement as well. The team spirit was strengthened and the turnover was increased.

Daniel Lugen

Owner Pharmacie de Petange in Luxembourg & Webshop www.pharmacieonline.lu

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Linkube a fait appel à Vincent pour un workshop technique sur « l’art de la vente ». Le workshop était à destination d’un groupe hétéroclite de porteurs de projet: étudiants-entrepreneurs et jeunes start ups. Nous n’avons pas été déçus de notre choix! Vincent est un expert en la matière. Il a réussi à rendre cette matière, qui peut paraître abrupte, abordable et surtout agréable! Vincent est un véritable showman, il mêle contenu et forme de manière exceptionnelle. Merci Vincent! Les jeunes m’en parlent encore 😉

Coralie Dufloucq

Gestionnaire de projets – LinKube

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L’atelier animé par Vincent a permis aux entrepreneurs de notre programme Revival d’apprendre à (se) vendre et d’acquérir des outils solides pour se relancer dans une nouvelle activité professionnelle.

Vincent adopte une approche très pratique et interactive. Il est parvenu à personnaliser les exercices pour chacun de nos participants, malgré leur background très divers, tout en gardant l’atelier fluide!

Son énergie a également permis aux participants de repartir boostés pour leur prochain défi professionnel. Cela mérite un merci collectif 😉

Justine Verzini

Project manager Revival – Pulse Foundation

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